What Do You Think is Needed Now?

And what will you do in the next 30 days?


I’m told phone calls are better than emails, so I will do that. I found a help and partner in “5 Calls.org.” I joined the Orange County (FL) Democratic Party a year ago, being elected Precinct Person for Precinct 240, and thus serving on the Orange County Democratic Executive Committee. So I will do my part there in the next 30 days to raise our collective voice and take collective action for American democracy.


I will read my Bible for consolation and consternation, believing that the Resurrection means responsibility and accountability for God’s Dream, aka Kingdom Reign, of Peace through Distributive Justice with Non-Violence. I will practice my cello and play in the wonderful orchestra that is the Central Florida Community Arts Symphony Orchestra that welcomes all comers, without audition, and not only creates great music for the wider community but also builds community within its ranks. I will mow the lawn and go to Book Club.  I will connect with my church. I will leave town and visit my grandkids. I will have a colonoscopy and see my therapist. I will play pickleball and golf. I will Supply Preach and Preside at my church on Transfiguration Sunday (can somebody please tell us what all that dazzling white means?). I will not have dessert or snack at night at least 5 nights a week. I will plan more travel for later this year. I will read again (just finished it) John Dominic Crossan’s Paul the Pharisee: A Vision Beyond the Violence of Civilization (2024), tracking Paul’s allegiance to Jesus’ vision in and for the world. I will love my wife.


I will know that this time in America is not a time for complacency or inaction, but rather for engagement on as many levels as possible. Trumpism and Project 2025 seeks to push back on and desconstruct and demolish any foothold for civil and racial and economic equality gained since the 1960’s civil and voting rights laws, changes and gains. It is the 1870’s to 1900’s retractional  move against Reconstruction all over again.


What is needed now is three-fold: economic fairness, election equality (the end of monied campaigns that breed corruption) and social collaboration (not only finding the common humanity in folks of opposing politics but also finding the common politics in folks of opposing humanity).


What do you think is needed now?

What will you do in the next 30 days?


Going Camping in February


How Is There Hope In A Fascist Fog?