Changing my Website that houses Field Notes From a Religion-Less Christian

Dear Followers of my Blog “Field Notes From a Religion-Less Christian,”


First of all, thank you for being a Follower of Field Notes!


Same blog (Field Notes From a Religion-Less Christian) but a different website to access it. That’s what this is about. You are still registered to “follow” Field Notes but you will now be linked to the new website “,” which is a website that is solely about the blog. Previously the blog was housed at “,” but that site is going away soon (I am closing down my coaching practice, retiring from professional coaching).


You don’t need to take any action. Except this, please: drop me an email ( or comment on the blog site itself to indicate that indeed you are getting the email notification that says a new blog has been posted (there may be a way for me to see this internally, but I’m not sure how at this point!). I have worked hard to have the company that manages the followers,, migrate your email address to the new website ( feed. I did this so you would not have to register again with in order to follow now on this new website feed.


More: for a time (maybe a month or so?) you will receive a notice both from the new religionlesschristian site and the old beinganddoingmatters site concerning the same blog (starting with blogs after this one). Please be patient with this. I am overlapping the two sites and notifications for a month or so in order to adequately give all folks, not just current Followers, time to realize the change.  Soon the beinganddoingmatters site will go away.


So, to reiterate: there is nothing you need to do to keep following Field Notes. Just be aware you will be linked to the “” site now. And just be aware you will get double notices on the same blog for about a month. Then this: when you read this blog message, please email me or comment on this blog to let me know you are receiving the email notifying you of the blog link taking you to “”


Thanks so much! And thanks again for Following Field Notes From a Religion-Less Christian!






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